Rainy Day Ramen Club Manifesto :)

It is our hope that we can build a community dedicated to education and collective well-being while abiding by the following principles. This manifesto is subject to change, as people learn and grow and there may be things to add or edit, etc... because we believe well-being for all is not a dream! A better world for all is possible!

Knowledge Liberation:

In human lives, knowledge plays a key role; creating progress, guiding informed decisions, and driving positive social change. We believe that equitable and trusted information that serves the public's interests should be free and accessible to everyone.


Rent is theft, and landlords exploiting property for profit goes against our principles. Housing is a human right and should never be hoarded and sold for profit.

Environmental Stewardship:

Under the banner of "Well-being for all," we extend our commitment to the well-being of the natural world. The RDRC considers, values, conserves, and protects the environment, climate, biosphere, and ecosystems to the best of our ability. We recognize the interconnectedness of the natural world in all our decisions.

Human Rights Over Profits:

Resources that are vital to survival such as housing, food, clean water, and medical care are unequivocal human rights and should not be sold for profit. Any system in which people die due to lack of these resources should be destroyed.


In the pursuit of justice and equity, RDRC embraces anti-racism as a fundamental pillar of our mission. Understanding that racism intersects with class struggle, anti-imperialism, and decolonization, we recognize its pervasive impact on society. RDRC acknowledges the historical roots of racism, including colonial oppression and imperialism, and the ongoing struggles against these systems of oppression.

Our commitment to anti-racism goes beyond solidarity; it is a call to action to challenge and dismantle racist ideologies and practices within our communities.

Furthermore, RDRC understands the interconnectedness of racism with other forms of oppression, such as class exploitation and gender discrimination. We emphasize the importance of solidarity across different struggles and commit to building alliances with marginalized communities. Through education, advocacy, and community organizing, RDRC aims to contribute to the broader movement for racial justice and equity.

Anti-racism is not just a principle but a practice embedded in all aspects of our work. RDRC stands in solidarity with those fighting against racism and oppression, and we remain dedicated to creating a world where all individuals are treated with dignity, respect, and equality.

Overall, anti-racism is integral to RDRC as it aligns with principles of social justice, equality, and liberation for all oppressed peoples. By addressing racism, RDRC aims to build solidarity, challenge capitalist exploitation, resist imperialism, and advance the cause of decolonization, ultimately striving for a more just and equitable world.


RDRC stands firmly in the pursuit of decolonization, recognizing its interconnectedness with the struggles against racism. At the heart of our mission lies a commitment to understanding the historical and contemporary impacts of settler colonialism. Whether by force or choice, settler colonialism acknowledges that while all settlers do not benefit equally from settler colonialism, all people who are not Indigenous living in a settler colonial situation are settlers. Residing on occupied Indigenous land implicates us all in settler colonialism, compelling us to challenge and dismantle colonialist ideologies within our communities.

We understand that the daily manifestations of white supremacy and imperialism intertwine with settler colonialism to uphold systemic oppression. While distinct, racism and settler colonialism intersect in complex ways, targeting not only Indigenous groups but also communities affected by global capitalism. We recognize that confronting our complicity in oppression is not an act of blame but a pathway to understanding power dynamics and fostering collective liberation.

Decolonization is not just an abstract concept; it's a tangible practice rooted in reimagining relationships with land, people, and the state. As we navigate this multifaceted journey, we prioritize Indigenous self-determination and commit to amplifying Indigenous voices and leadership. Our activism is guided by the recognition of our interconnectedness and responsibilities to each other and the Earth.

Moving beyond surface-level solidarity, we actively engage in decolonization as both a process and a goal. This entails supporting Indigenous struggles for autonomy, challenging colonialist norms, and forging intentional alliances grounded in respect and shared values. RDRC stands firm in opposing colonialism and pledges to dismantle entrenched systems of oppression through education, solidarity, and sustained action.

Proletarian Feminism:

RDRC embraces an inclusive feminist perspective, recognizing the struggles of proletarian women, whether cis or trans. Rejecting biological determinism, we understand gender as a social construct and emphasize that patriarchy is rooted in class oppression. We advocate for a social and economic transformation of the family within the broader societal context, challenging the notion that focusing solely on the family can combat patriarchy.

Our approach emphasizes the non-antagonistic aspects of the contradiction between proletarian men and women, viewing patriarchy, not men, as the enemy. We actively engage in anti-imperialism, with a global focus on patriarchy, rejecting a narrow, Euro-American-centric view. Proletarian feminism within the RDRC advocates for revolutionary organization and mass political activity, recognizing the necessity of a revolutionary party that includes leaders of all genders.

We stand for all means of struggle, both nonviolent and violent, rejecting claims that violence is inherently patriarchal. Our historical materialist perspective embraces the experiences of socialist movements in Russia, China, and others in the struggle against patriarchy, challenging the erasure of proletarian and socialist contributions within the feminist discourse. RDRC commits to a nuanced and comprehensive proletarian feminist approach that addresses the complexities of gender and class oppression.

Compassion Over individualism:

Challenging the confines of individualism imposed by capitalism, RDRC envisions a world where compassion triumphs. Our collective is guided by love for the oppressed, rather than hatred for the oppressor. Let love for each other be the driving force shaping our daily struggle, making compassion a tangible reality.

Revolutionary Theory is Essential to Any Revolutionary Party:

RDRC understands that dialectical and historical materialism offer indispensable frameworks for comprehending both historical events and contemporary society. Dialectical materialism delves into the interaction of opposing forces within society, while historical materialism examines history through material conditions and economic relationships. By revealing underlying contradictions and providing universal tools for critical analysis, these methodologies aid activists in understanding the transient nature of social systems and devising strategies for meaningful social change. Such study nurtures a robust proletarian worldview, fostering confidence and certainty essential for collective action in challenging the hegemony of the capitalist class.

Hopeful Revolution:

Let injustice radicalize you, turning anger into a force uniting against the ruling classes. Our revolution is an act of hope, fueled by a profound love for humanity and an unwavering belief in a better world.

"Struggle so that all may live a rich overflowing life, and be sure that in this struggle you will find a joy greater than anything else can give."